- 443-239-9400
- info@talismantherapeuticriding.org
- Monday — Friday 10AM — 2PM, Sat. & Sun. By Appointment Only
- 443-239-9400
- info@talismantherapeuticriding.org
- Monday — Sunday : 8:30am — 6pm
Breed: Quarter Horse Paint Cross
Color: Chestnut Paint
Height: 15.1 hands
Weight: 1183 lbs
Year Foaled: 2001
All About Me: I have one blue eye and one brown eye. I love being the steady guy for my participants. I like moving at a nice even pace, matching my participants needs. Even though I may look silly, one of my favorite things to do with my participants is to have them find rings that my leader puts on my ears, tail, and rump!
Breed: Quarter horse
Color: Palamino
Height: 16 hands
Weight: 1125 lbs
Year Foaled: 1998
All About Me: I know-I look fantastic in the pasture with my flowing blonde mane rippling in the breeze. If you look past my mane, you may see that I need a bib when I eat my mushy food. More than eating, I love being with my participant. I am loyal and a great partner for liberty work. My job is to take care of the participant, and I will always do my very best to provide a steady, comfortable and willing experience.
Breed: Arabian Cross
Color: Dark Bay
Height: 14.3 hands
Weight: 820 lbs
Year Foaled: 1997
All About Me: I have a heart on my face. I come by it honestly as I LOVE everyone! And, everyone LOVES me! Peppermints love me too! I truly enjoy being ridden and I am a real gentleman. I have a mane that just makes people want to braid it. I also like getting dressed up for special events, like I said, I’m a gentleman. I am just happy to be in service and am a star at the mounting ramp, building confidence in my participants.
Breed: Paso Fino
Color: Bay
Height: 14.1 hands
Weight: 820 lbs
Year Foaled: 2003
All About Me: I am a gaited horse. Sometimes participants say that I “feel funny” at first because it may look and feel like I’m running but I’m not going very fast; I just move a lot! I am very shy. In fact, Norman (a goat!) lives with me in my stall to keep me company.
Breed: Standard breed
Color: Dark Bay
Height: 16 hands
Weight: 1200 lbs
Year Foaled: 1993
All About Me: I am a big guy, what can I say? I used to drive carts, now my favorite thing is to go on trail rides. I have beautiful dressage form, but I like to keep that a secret. I am blind in one eye. I think that helps me connect to some of my participants who may feel a bit tentative around horses, especially big ones like me. I like going at a slow and steady pace, but I love a challenge when there are games involved—I want me and my participant to win red light/green light and egg on a spoon! I admit, that maybe one reason that I like to be such a solid, stable, dependable and overall good horse for my participant is that I hope to get an extra peppermint and scratch on the nose!
Breed: Quarter horse
Color: Chestnut
Height: 14.3 hands
Weight: 1065 lbs
Year Foaled: 2003
All About Me: See that pretty spot on my head, please rub it! It’s like a big hug for me! I enjoy pampering, I am a mare after all. A good grooming and bath feel wonderful, but even better is the huge roll in the dirt right after my spa treatment. I love taking my participants on trail rides and playing games with them. I am very cautious and help my participants to be balanced so they can enjoy the view around the farm and in the arenas.
Breed: Welsh
Color: Grey
Height: 12.3 hands
Weight: 660 lbs
Year Foaled: 2001
All About Me: I love being treated like the princess I am, racing the tractor around the fields and cuddling with anyone who is willing! I prance. I flit. I shake my head. I am a pretty pony. I enjoy the smaller participants and helping to teach them good ground manners, basic balance, and focus. Just please, don’t forget my treat at the end of a lesson (or anytime you see me!)
Breed: Paint
Color: Brown/White
Height: 14.2
Weight: 915 lbs
Year Foaled: 2009
All About Me: I make a great buddy. I really like to talk to the horses in the barn and all of the visitors. What can I say, I’m a people person! I like working best with participants who have a bit of experience under their belt. I have a quick walk and trot and am very willing and eager to please. I always do my best to take care of my participant and help them to learn good horsemanship.
Breed: Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse
Color: Chocolate w/Blonde mane
Height: 14
Weight: 930 lbs
Year Foaled: 2005
All About Me: I am recognized by my gorgeous coloring. In fact, my entire coat is so smooth that my nickname is “Velvet” around that farm. I like participants who have soft, quiet hands. I love practicing ground work and have a very smooth, comfortable walk. My desire is to take care of everyone I meet! My pleasure truly is getting my participants to stretch and enjoy the ride!
All About Me: I am white all over, except when I am being painted by my participants. They love to color me and decorate me for the season—and I love it, too! While I enjoy playing with the participants when I can, I mostly hang out with Hazel during the day, but I look forward to cozying up to my best friend Rosie when she is in the barn.
All About Me: I have red eyes and am super soft. I love to be snuggled and will tuck my nose into the crook of your arm and cozy in for a cuddle.
How I came to Talisman: Traveled to Talisman when I needed more room to grow.
All About Me: My belly touches the ground. I like to clean up the grain that the horses have spilled. My favorite food is cantaloupe. I like to be painted different colors—especially during holidays! My super power is bringing smiles to faces—who doesn’t find a pig adorable!
All About Us: We love to keep the barn clean and enjoy watching the barn swallows nest in the springtime. We live in the barn’s loft. Our favorite part of being on the farm is greeting the participants, team, and of course, the horses, Hazel, and Norm. We also perch in the indoor arena so we can see the lessons and support the participants as they ride.
All About Us: We came to the farm as teeny tiny chicks and boy have we grown! There are 6 of us (3 roosters and 3 hens). We live in the Growing Hope Garden and are excited to be active members of the CSA. We, the hens, that is, will be providing farm fresh eggs for the CSA. While our stay at Talisman is just beginning, we’ve gotten to meet the rest of the herd. We especially bonded with Hazel.
All About Me: I love to hop around the Welcome Center and check everything out. My hop sometimes looks more like a scurry. I like to be cuddled, but don’t expect me to hang out with you all day–I’ve got things to explore around the center!