Talisman Wellness Program
Wellness and living well has taken on a much greater importance and more significant meaning since the COVID-19 pandemic. The Talisman Wellness Program is a collection of experiential learning opportunities aimed at engaging participants in topics and activities focusing on health and wellbeing, reducing stress, and improving self-awareness.
Horticultural Activities
The Talisman Growing Hope Garden provides accessible garden beds and growing space for varieties of fruit, vegetables, and flowers. The thoughtful design of this project supports inclusivity of all people seeking a respite from the stresses of everyday life. This garden highlights the intent of Talisman to create a holistic wellness environment at the farm that inspires personal growth and healing in partnership with horses and the great outdoors.
The Growing Hope Garden promotes wellness service to the community and encourages sustainable farming. Talisman supports responsible environmental practices by using its innovative, on-site O2 composting program and supplementing the garden with eco-friendly Talisman Gold Soil Conditioner. The Growing Hope Garden focuses on Stable to Table community produce sharing and sustainable growing which supports nutrition and healthy eating.
- Maintaining and sustaining the Growing Hope Garden is also a great way for a team or business to achieve its service goals within the community while supporting a great cause!
Community Supported Agriculture Basket Program – Stable to Table
The Talisman Stable to Table Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program provides weekly baskets of freshly harvested produce and local farm sourced items. Baskets available through a limited subscription service during the growing season and claimed at the farm on a designed day each week. All produce is organic, non-GMO, and responsibly grown.
Program cost: CSA Baskets 2025 Prices (Reference “Events” Tab for ordering)
$25 Single Basket (Harvested or Pick Your Own)
$200 Weekly Basket (Two Months)
$300 Weekly Basket (Three Months)