Talisman Therapeutic Riding (Talisman) is sponsoring a fishing tournament and crab feast on August 28. The Rockfish Rodeo, with a $1,000 top price, and Crab Feast will be at the Fisherman’s Crab Deck on Kent Narrows. The events are critically important to Talisman’s serving its many communities, including veterans and first responders.
According to Talisman Executive Director Noelle Douglas, when Talisman decided to host its first benefit fishing tournament and crab feast this summer, “a direct line was cast between the event and our vision of inspiring personal growth and healing by utilizing the great outdoors.”
While tack and tackle are different, both activities allow participants to embrace the environment and explore the beauty of our scenic environment, added Noelle. The event supports Talisman Therapeutic Riding in its mission to enrich lives and maximize the potential of all through equine-assisted activities in a peaceful farm setting.
The entry fee for a single angler is $225, which includes the crab feast. The charge for just the crab feast is $110. The crab feast begins at 1 p.m. with live music by Justin Singleton, games and a silent auction. Each angler entry gets a T-shirt
Call 443-239-9400 or visit www.talismantherapeuticriding.org for additional information and to purchase tickets. Participants may also register online at https://talisman.schoolauction.net/rockfishrodeo2023.
View original Attraction Magazine article here : https://attractionmag.com/events/rockfish-rodeo-and-crab-feast/