GRASONVILLE — Saturday evening, Nov. 16, Talisman Therapeutic Riding hosted their second annual Horseshoe Heroes Awards Banquet at the Hyatt Place hotel, located at Kent Narrows. The program, which included a wonderful dinner provided by the hotel’s catering staff, was held in the Queen Anne multi-purpose ballroom.
Event Chair and emcee Audrey Scott welcomed those in attendance, explaining the purpose of the banquet, to recognize those in the community who have supported the mission of Talisman Therapeutic Riding, which is providing horse therapy methods to disabled military veterans, children, and other individuals with developmental issues, as well as improve quality of life for those struggling with health concerns that can be improved.
Following dinner, guest speaker USCG Captain Carrie Wolfe spoke briefly, talking about related services the U.S. Coast Guard provides to members of the military, particularly those struggling with mental health issues. She stated, “We not only use horses for therapy treatments, but other animals such as dogs, and others, to help members of the military improve their quality of life.”
Scott was joined by TTR Chair Diana Saquella and Queen Anne’s County Commissioner Jim Moran during the presentations. Moran read a biography of each honoree.
The HonoreesBusiness of the Year — The McMahon Consulting Group, who fulfilled the terms of an $80,000 AmeriCorps planning grant. They have been a professional presence on the farm. Volunteer of the Year — Beth Cole, has been a part of the Talisman family since 2014 as a PATH certified instructor, committed to two days a week helping countless students become more independent. Her value as a volunteer for so many years cannot be measured.
Neighbor of the Year — Sara and Rami Essaid, described as “lifelong champions of animal welfare, they share the (Talisman) Blue Ribbon address with a magnificent group of horses, goats, cows, dogs, cats and a pig! Their love of helping others and educating people on the values of animal-human connections immediately bonded them to Talisman.”
Philanthropist of the Year — Cal Gray, Jr. reduced Talisman’s mortgage by 70% in the past year. His efforts brought about three different donations of $100,000 each towards the mortgage, along with numerous other valuable donations. Gray has dedicated his talent and time to fundraisers for mental health, the Jaycees, young people in general, and now, Talisman. At the banquet, Gray said, “Lets erase the remainder of that mortgage in the coming year!”
Talisman Therapeutic Riding has been in existence for more that a decade, and with the efforts of the community, appear to be thriving. TTR Executive Director Noelle Douglas said, “This banquet is held to recognize our volunteers and members of the community who go above and beyond to help Talisman.”
The Talisman farm and facility is located at 172 Blue Ribbon Lane, Grasonville, MD 21638. For more information visit info@talismantherapeuticriding.org or call 443-239-9400.