KENT NARROWS — Talisman Therapeutic Riding hosted their first-ever awards banquet, held at the Hyatt Place Hotel, the evening of Nov. 4. Event Chair Audrey Scott welcomed the sell-out crowd, thanking the many supporters who for the past 12 years have financially supported Talisman from its origins to fulfilling their mission of helping those in need overcome or relieve their afflictions through equine related therapies.
Talisman uses horses to help disabled veterans, adults, and children with a wide variety of disabilities learn the become more complete in their lives through this proven “miracle association” with one of God’s unique and beautiful creatures.
Scott, who has always supported Talisman through attending their annual (Kentucky) Derby Day benefit in the spring, became a member of their Board, less than two years ago. Her adult son, Kenny Scott, had a severe stroke, leaving him with limited physical movements. Through his participation in Talisman therapies with horses, he has made tremendous progress over the past year to regain much of his mobility and balance.
This year, Talisman decided to recognize four different individuals and groups who have set the bar high in service and dedication to the organization. Executive Director Noelle Douglas presented the awards following dinner.
Receiving recognition was Kent Youth for providing at-risk and underserved youth of Maryland’s Eastern Shore with equine-assisted therapeutic activities. Children and youth struggling with social-economic disadvantages benefit from long-term supportive relationships with horses. Kent Youth Board of Directors member Earl Runde received the crystal horseshoe plaque from Douglas.
Also recognized were Arthur Kudner, III, and The Kudner Foundation. The Kudner Farm was the initial location of TTR when it began in 2011. Kudner is one of the earliest and strongest supporters of Talisman and has remained connected through generous donations from the Kudner Foundation.
Next to recognized was “volunteer extraordinaire” Kevin Michael Jonathan Shaw for his countless hours of service to TTR. “Jon”, as known by his friends, is a master falconer, avid Paso Fino horseman, and passionate wildlife artist. He has shared all of those gifts with TTR to the organization’s benefit. In receiving this first-ever Volunteer of the Year recognition, Shaw graciously said, “I’m receiving this for all those who volunteer their service to TTR. All of the other many volunteers are just as deserving of this award.”
The Digital Architects founder and owner Jeanmarie Richardson received the final horseshoe plaque of the evening. Another example of a business who has left a lasting impression at Talisman, in 2018, TDA created Talisman’s long-overdue new website spotlighting their mission and programs. Using their expertise, they helped develop and implement Wi-Fi connections with high speed internet across the Talisman campus.
Noelle Douglas has served as executive director for the past two years at Talisman. She has brought with her continued commitment to the organization’s mission and programs, as well as finding new ways to recognize those in the community who have, and continue to make Talisman a thriving service organization to those they serve.
The dinner for the evening was provided by the Hyatt, and colorful seasonal floral table center pieces were from Murdoch Florists of Centreville.