- 443-239-9400
- info@talismantherapeuticriding.org
- Monday — Friday 10AM — 2PM, Sat. & Sun. By Appointment Only
- 443-239-9400
- info@talismantherapeuticriding.org
- Monday — Sunday : 8:30am — 6pm
Chesapeake Power of 100: Chesapeake Women Who Care meets twice a year to support a local charity. Each member gives one hundred dollars and then they collectively vote on which nonprofit should receive a grant. During their fall meeting at Cult Classic, they voted to support Talisman Therapeutic Riding. Talisman is a non-profit that uses horse riding to help those with disabilities, veterans, and more. As Winston Churchill famously said, “There’s something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” We had the chance to talk to Noelle Douglas, executive director of Talisman Therapeutic Riding, to learn a bit more about the benefits of equine therapy, what they plan to use the donation from Power of 100 for and more.
For those who don’t know: what is equine therapy?
Equine-assisted services are activities that involved guided interactions between individuals and horses. These activities allow people with physical, cognitive, behavioral, or emotional challenges to find strength, healing and independence through the power and connection with horses. Equine-assisted services are part of a holistic approach aimed at improving participants’ physical health, and ability to perform basic life skills and participate in social situations. Activities involving horses can be beneficial for a diverse range of individuals, offering them a unique and powerful therapeutic experience that can lead to positive growth, and transformation. Equine-assisted services can help individuals with physical disabilities, as well as emotional or mental health challenges, such as; anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, or autism spectrum disorders. Additionally, equine-assisted therapeutic services can be effective for individuals with behavioral issues, learning disabilities, and those recovering from trauma or addiction.
How will Talisman use the grant from Power of 100?
While Talisman supports the majority of expenses associated with equine-assisted therapeutic programs, participants are asked to share a portion of the costs through direct payment of services. Financial barriers will be lowered for participants by continued subsidized financial support made possible by the Power of 100 Women. In addition, Talisman employs a specialized staff with around-the-clock needs. These essential staff members reside at the facility 365 days a year, and accept board, food and treats as their payment for services. This amazing herd of horses under our stewardship is vital to the success of our programs. As such, we provide them with the best care we can offer. Employing horses comes at a significant cost and is highly subject to fluctuations in cost-of-living. The grant will support the care and well-being of the Talisman herd. Thank you, Power of 100 Women!
I know you also have recreational horse riding – what sort of advice would you give to someone who has never ridden a horse before but is interested?
In cooperation with the Maryland Horse Industry Board, Talisman is proud to be one of the 42 designated Horse Discovery Centers in the State… Horsemanship and horseback riding are inclusive activities that most ages and abilities can enjoy. Learning to ride begins with foundational horsemanship skills, which are essential for a safe and positive experience. Many people romanticize jumping on the back of a horse and galloping into the sunset; however, riding a horse is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Do not rush yourself and be patient with the learning process… If you are interested in learning more about horses and starting your equestrian journey, please contact us. Talisman is a great place for beginner riders! We have experienced instructors who can guide you through the learning process.
I know you have your Horseshoe Heroes event coming up – who will you be honoring?
The Talisman Horseshoe Heroes Awards Banquet is November 4, 2023, at the Hyatt Place in Grasonville, Maryland. We are delighted to recognize and honor some of the most deserving people who have made significant contributions to the Talisman mission.
We will be honoring:
Jon Shaw as Volunteer of the Year
Arhtur Kudner, III as Philanthropist of the Year
Kent Youth as Non-Profit Organization of the Year
The Digital Architects as Business of the Year
If someone wants to support Talisman, how can they help out?
Donate, Sponsor, Volunteer, Participate! Talisman is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We always need money to keep the barn doors open… and volunteers. Please visit our website at http://www.TalismanTherapeuticRiding.org , or contact our business office at 443-239-9400 to learn more about giving. We have three major fundraisers each year which require support form sponsors. Please get involved in supporting our events – they are listed on our webpage or contact Talisman directly to find out more about becoming a sponsor. Being part of a thriving community is a powerful position which comes with great responsibility. Pay forward and give back! Help Talisman multiple love throughout the community by being a donor and supporting our mission. If you are a business, please consider partnering to sustain our operations. I can be reached directly at Director@TalismanTherapeuticRiding.org and look forward to hearing you would like to help Talisman!
If you would like to support Talisman Therapeutic Riding, visit their giving page at
You can earmark your donation for specific purposes, including horseshoes, hay and other much needed items.
If you would like to learn more about Power of 100: Chesapeake Women Who Care or sign up for their spring meeting, visit
or email cheri@shoreupdate.com.